Michael Hirn. Photo courtesy of WBAY Ch. 2 Green Bay, Wisconsin
It’s disgusting to still hear the harsh portrayal of six paper mill workers from Green Bay, Wisconsin, convicted of an alleged “murder plot” in 1995. The murder theory was never really proven, at least not to the satisfaction of anyone other than those motivated to turn a tragic suicide into a murder. To this day, when this case comes up in certain circles or in the news, these men are characterized as “union thug conspirators” and “murderers” and the whole alleged “bubbler” incident gets rehashed all over again.
When monitoring social media news sites whenever a story is published about this case, I’m amazed at the lack of knowledge and/or misinformation still out there. Despite a more recent investigation and repeated coverage during the 2015 hearing for Keith Kutska, people are relatively still in the dark about what most likely happened. I believe the ignorance persists for two reasons. 1. “Guilters” are only that and are seldom interested in becoming educated. 2. Because coverage rarely includes the “new” and more recent information made public during the hearing that clearly leans toward suicide. It’s like the news outlets are afraid or unwilling to tell that side of the story. I get why that is. It’s because they dare not offend the DA’s office or the Police Dept; two entities the media heavily relies on for critical information for future stories. Simply put, they need to keep those crucial lines of communication open…and cooperative. This sad fact is true, especially within smaller communities like Green Bay.
Having befriended these men over the years and meeting them all face to face more than once, my impressions of them are vastly different from that of the general public. And in my ongoing mission to tell their side of this very tragic story, it is my pleasure to introduce my readers to them on occasion. I feel it is important to give the men a face, a voice from behind bars, and a chance to gain additional support from those who might not otherwise know anything about them other than what they’ve read or seen in news clips. Doing so at this time is especially important. The very real reality that at least some of these men are now being granted parole, is upon us.
I told you earlier that Dale Basten was given “compassionate release” in 2017 due to his failing health and the high cost of his medical care. Unfortunately, nearly nine months later, Dale passed away. And now we just learned in December of 2018 that Michael Hirn has been granted parole. I’m excited to announce he will be released the week before Christmas!
I blogged about the incredible visit my husband, Mike, and I had in February of 2015 with Keith Kutska. You may recall that Keith was the alleged ring leader of the “angry mob” that supposedly gathered on November 21, 1992 to beat up Tom Monfils.
On Saturday, April 18, 2015 we drove to Oregon, WI which is just South of Madison, to the Oak Hill Correctional Institution*. This time we were visiting Michael Hirn; the youngest of the six men. My husband took this video prior to our entrance onto the prison grounds.

Main entrance at Oak Hill Correctional, Oregon, Wisconsin
To add a little background that separates Michael from the others, back when this case was being investigated, aside from readily taking and passing four polygraph tests (which all of the men took and passed), Michael pushed to have the FBI involved in the investigation. The FBI did arrive on the scene but left soon afterward. I have no insight as to why that is. But like all of the others, Michael found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time the day Tom Monfils went missing. And there still are too many unanswered questions regarding this case.
For this visit we were under special visit status due to Michael’s full visitation list. We had completed the requirements for a one-time visit only. We approached the front desk and presented our ID’s. However, the guard could not find the form we had filled out in the appropriate blue folder. He was apologetic as he searched for the information that would confirm our visit. And he was kind enough to also acknowledge our long drive. He made a call to another guard who finally found the missing form in another location and, after a sigh of relief, sent us on our way to the visiting room.
We were directed to table #30 on the far side of the room. Many tables near us were occupied. Similar to our visit with Keith, the atmosphere was relaxed…and normal. We waited a few moments before Michael appeared. I waved to signal our presence. We exchanged smiles while he checked in. This experience was oddly familiar given it was only our second visit to a prison.
As Michael approached he shook hands with my husband. They hugged. Then it was my turn to receive a hug. We were delighted to finally meet him. We had been scheduled for a visit a month earlier but when the form was being processed, Michael was unexpectedly transferred from Fox Lake Correctional to Oak Hill, a medium security prison. The paperwork had gotten lost but thanks to Ms. Miller, Michael’s Social Worker at Fox Lake, the process was expedited.
Michael, like Keith, is kind, thoughtful, courteous, and talkative. We knew from his many letters that he is outspoken about our judicial system and very intent on working to correct its many flaws as soon as he is able. We had told him then that we will be there to support him when that time comes. And so his new life will soon begin…definitely with our support and the support of many others.
While in the throws of discussing the new developments in the case and the encouragement of renewed possibilities during the visit, Michael’s smile appeared time and again. It was a blessing to him…and to us. We three were becoming comfortable in each other’s presence when, forty minutes into our visit, a guard walked over to our table.
“Is it okay if two other visitors join you?” he asked.
Michael’s Aunt Marlene and Uncle Terry had arrived at the front desk. Michael was pleasantly surprised and we, of course, were eager to meet more of the clan. Aunt Marlene and Uncle Terry were anyone’s Aunt and Uncle; full of smiles and excitement as they sauntered in. Mike and I immediately felt at home with them. We hugged and we laughed. Mike and I learned that they had visited often over the years. Michael’s dry sense of humor surfaced when he introduced me as the “instigator” in the recent legal activities. Marlene, now sitting next to me, thanked me and offered another hug as tears fell. She then looked directly at Michael,
“I don’t know how you maintain such a positive attitude under such circumstances,” she said.
Michael told her “It is because of the support from so many that keeps me strong.”
My heart wept for Marlene and Terry’s pain over the course of so many years. It was obvious they relied heavily on each other for support. I felt grateful for their collective strength. They didn’t dwell on anger but a concern for Michael’s welfare. Their genuine love for him radiated.
The three-hour visit progressed rapidly. I wanted to have pictures taken so, the appropriate form was filled out. We were soon called over to the picture taking station by an inmate who’d be taking them. Unlike the experience during our visit with Keith, I was successful in getting both Mike’s to smile!
Marlene and Terry opted out of the pictures. “We are waiting for the day when Michael is released,” they said.
We then purchased and devoured ice cream bars. How good it felt at that moment to be a part of this mission…and these lives.
In the lobby following our visit, we spent time speaking with Marlene and Terry. We exchanged contact information. We felt honored by their expression of gratitude toward what we were doing for Michael. They thanked us for taking the time to visit their beloved nephew. The story of Marlene and Terry is the story of thousands who have lost precious years with loved ones due to a wrongful conviction. The resounding constant is the level of resilience and courage that so many of them possess.
Just before this visit, I had done as I always do, sent my most recent blog piece to all of the men which described our visit with Keith. In Michael’s letter he referenced our upcoming visit and mentioned that Keith had set the bar pretty high. He admitted he was feeling the pressure to make sure we had an even better visit. Honestly, Michael had nothing to worry about. This visit vastly outweighed any expectations we may have had for that day. We’ve again been blessed with insight into the integrity of another courageous soul…and his family.

Mike and Joan Treppa with Michael Hirn. (Photo courtesy of Oak Hill Correctional Institution)
*Michael was moved to and will be released from McNaughton Correctional Center in Tomahawk, Wisconsin.
I don’t know who did this but suicide? Really? Do you know how Monfils was found? I know exactly from first hand EMT testimony. No one kills themself this way.
Hi Tom. Thank you for your feedback. To answer your first question, yes, I learned exactly how Tom was found after watching the official police video. I’m also aware that Tom talked to fellow mill workers repeatedly about how he’d recovered bodies from the water of people who drowned after tying heavy objects to themselves and jumping in the water, while he was in the Coast Guard. He would explain to coworkers how much weight you’d have to tie to yourself to counteract the natural instinct to save yourself. Tom’s brother Cal Monfils, during a more recent investigation, said that Tom’s wife, Susan, told their parents she thought Tom had harmed himself and that she had gone looking for Tom at the Bellin hospital psych ward. It was also learned that Susan affirmed Tom’s ability to harm himself when asked this by the HR director at the mill. However and for whatever reason, Susan’s testimony at trial did not reflect those concerns. In addition, Cal told the detective that the knots on the weight were knots his brother knew how to tie and that Tom had most likely tied them. And even though the detective was directed to send those knots to the Coast Guard for examination, he never did, at least there is absolutely no record of him doing so. But he proceeded to tell Cal that they had already determined the knots were not tied by his brother. Tom also had, prior to his death, taken a month off of work to attend counselling due to his and Susan’s troubled marriage. Once you take all of this into consideration, it makes perfect sense that Tom committed suicide, in this manner. Being confronted by Kutska, who was given the tape by the police dept., was the last straw for Tom. Therein lies the motivation for the police dept. to redirect blame and turn this into a murder and why the idea of suicide was never permitted during the entire trial. All of this information has been affirmed by a Mpls law firm that has investigated this case since 2013. When you say no one kills themselves in this way, I’m not sure of your meaning. There are articles written about the significant numbers of people who commit (or attempt to commit) suicide by jumping off, for example, Tower Bridge in Green Bay. And are you suggesting that committing suicide is a rational act? Forgive me for getting graphic, but are you suggesting that preferred methods of committing suicide are: holding a gun to ones head and blowing ones brains out, slitting of the wrists, or hanging ones self, as a means to end ones own life?
Thanks for the excellent, fact-filled response Joan.
You are welcome, Mark. I understand that there are many who just do not know these details. I certainly hope that it helps to make sense of all this.