Hail to the many dedicated people engaged in the planning of a third car show/fundraiser for the Innocence Project of Minnesota (IPMN)! Compassionate individuals who’ve supplied hours of enthusiasm and selfless efforts on behalf of those wrongfully convicted have again created an exciting and unusual venue where tragic but uplifting stories emerge. The event is designed to resurrect reluctant voices that have been judged, criticized, condemned and ultimately silenced. Some of those voices appearing at this year’s event are: Wisconsin exonerees Audrey Edmunds, Michael Piaskowski and Mario Victoria Vasquez, and Minnesota exonerees Michael Hansen and Koua Fong Lee.

Joan Treppa (standing) next to exoneree Audrey Edmunds

Exoneree Michael Piaskowski

Exoneree Michael Hansen

Exoneree Mario Victoria Vasquez next to Johnny’s classic car

Exoneree Koua Fong Lee
We will also hear from Brenda Kutska whose father-in-law is currently in prison for a crime he did not commit. Her views from the perspective of a family member is sure to stir hearts…
Two years ago we began to highlight the IPMN; a non-profit organization that bridges the financial roadblocks of innocent victims who are wrongfully convicted and caught up in catastrophic legal woes resulting in dire need of legal assistance. We’ve combined our talents to create awareness and to solicit funds to further their mission. It is our hope that this event will eventually become a significant source of revenue for them.

Banner created and donated by Budweiser
I salute my special friends who make up the planning team; Johnny and Linda Johnson, Rosemary and Pat Bonnett, Tom Erikson (aka: EricVonSon), Chuck Brost, Jesse Hoffman and all those who work with us each year to help make this event a success. Special mentions go to Trudy Baltazar who collected and donated numerous items for prizes given out during the day, the Bonnett’s for their willingness to provide printed programs and the super amazing car awards. We thank Chuck Brost of ‘Tunes To Go’ for keeping us on track with our daily schedule, making announcements with added wit between the appropriate era of music for the event. Let’s not forget our good friend, exoneree Audrey Edmunds, who will again energetically hand out prizes!

Exoneree Audrey Edmunds congratulating a classic car award winner
A final salute to the staff at the Project here in Minnesota for the important work they do all year long. Executive Director Heather Ring, Legal Director Julie Jonas, Staff Attorney Marie Wolf, and all of the law students and paralegals who make up the IPMN team are to be commended for their diligence and selfless commitment to providing an invaluable service to those less fortunate, in their time of need.
Because the IPMN it is a non-profit, our success in aiding them is critical because much of their funding is reliant on funds from general public donors. We must never forget that these funds benefit individuals who’ve been reduced to being labeled as thugs, murderers, and rapists, who in reality, were part of a civilized society striving for the same wants and needs as the rest of us. They were once independently responsible for their own lives before fate sent them down a much different path.

Julie Jonas, her daughter and son, Sarah and Sam with MN exoneree Sherman Townsend (photo from previous car show)
It’s an honor to actively work on behalf of the wrongfully convicted, and we are again proud to present the one and only… (drum roll) ‘Hotrod and Motorcycle Breakout’; 3rd annual benefit for the Minnesota Innocence Project! We’re furiously getting ready to host this exciting event on Saturday, August 8th 2015 from 9 am to 3 pm. We’ve adjusted our schedule a bit this year. Instead of conducting single speeches by exonerees and advocates, we’re inserting two panel discussions; one at eleven am and the other at one pm. We believe this format will provide an informative and educated interaction for our audience.

Flyers distributed at other car shows
Finally, I would like to commend Route 65 Pub and Grub owner, Brad Slawson, and Manager, Kathy Sauvageau who will again be providing mouth-watering refreshments during the day. Also, Route 65 Classics (under new ownership as Unique Classics) owner, Gene Kohler, and General Manager, Sue Stang, who’ve enthusiastically provided their space free of charge each year. Both businesses have made additional donations to our cause and both are busy getting ready for our big day!

Kathy and Brad setting up their booth
We hope this event will be especially successful this year and that it will go down in history as the best car show ever…one that will help drive this wrongful conviction issue back into nonexistence!
Please join us or donate to the IPMN today!