What’s in store for Reclaiming Lives in the New Year…?
Hi everyone. I’ve been absent for what seems like eternity but I wanted to share some exciting updates regarding my book. I’ve been diligently working on a third and final edition. There’s plenty yet to be done but much progress is being made. So….what will be included in this latest version?

Banner courtesy of StoryFirst Media in Madison, WI
In 2023, the Beyond Human Nature documentary premiered at the Green Bay Film Festival to a sold out crowd. Many supporters of the project were in attendance including our exoneree, Michael “Pie” Piaskowski. He, of course, had plenty to say about the endless barrage of false claims made throughout the film by the former Brown County DA, John Zakowski and the former detective, Randy Winkler. I dedicated a chapter to highlight Pie’s rebuttals.

(LtoR) Professor Nolan Bennett, Joan Treppa, and Keith Kutska during a visit to UWGB on February 29, 2023.
A chapter about Keith Kutska’s release in August 2023 has also been added.
Now that all of the men are free and have been for some time, I’ve asked each of them to provide insights into how life is going for them now. You’ll be amazed at what they’re up to!
At the suggestion of an attorney whom I chatted with at a 2023 book fair – and due to a number of readers expressing difficulty with keeping the extensive cast of characters in the book straight – I’ve compiled a listing that will appear in the front of the book to be used as a quick reference that will include those names which cause the most confusion.

Exoneree Amanda Knox and Joan Treppa at the 2024 Great North Innocence Benefit.
Throughout this process amazing connections are being made which could lead to exciting developments that, for now, are too premature and too uncertain to share. Please send your happy vibes for the best outcomes in each of them. I’ve always believed that timing is key in this journey for justice. I believe that it will continue to be so moving forward. We have always been on the side of true justice. AND WE STILL ARE!
Talented ‘beta’ readers have lent their time and have provided valuable feedback that is transforming this version into the best one yet! The book will also have an entirely new look with a fabulous new cover design I cannot wait to share with you! Rest assured, the book’s important story and message will remain the same.
At this time, I’m refraining from giving a timeline for its completion. So stay tuned…
Okay…time to get back to work. My list of tasks continues to grow. But so does my enthusiasm for this blockbuster edition!
As always, thank you for your amazing support.
During this busy time, make sure to take time for YOU.
From our hearth to yours, have a wonderful holiday season! I’ll see you next year!
Happy Holidays to you & your family, Joan. Thank you for all you do & continue to do!!!
Happy Holidays and New Year to you and your family as well, Mark. Thank you for your continued support. I’m excited for this new edition to hit the shelves. Fingers crossed that it attracts a lot more attention than the previous editions.