Extraordinary Declarations…

“Guys! I’ve been invited to give a presentation for an organization called The Green Bay Area Retired Men’s Club. They meet every Tuesday at the Brown County Library and they have 200+ members! I’m scheduled for Tuesday, July 25th. Who wants to join me?”

Mission Statement: “The Green Bay Area Retired Men’s Club provides a welcoming, friendly, social, organized, entertaining, and educational experience to promote camaraderie among the members. It focuses on social events, speakers, and tours.”

This opportunity to speak to such a large and diverse group of local men was a significant prospect for us. It was imperative that we make the most of it. I remembered meeting members of this group years ago when I accompanied John Gaie and Denis Gullickson who were invited in to talk about their newly published book, The Monfils Conspiracy. The feeling I had walked away with was one of respect and acceptance. I had witnessed a definite willingness by club members to listen to what eight years of research had revealed about this case. There was no reason to think that this second appearance in 2023 would be any different. A great platform for opening minds, initiating future actions, and soliciting new connections would also provide another equally important aspect of this mission that would become clear during the event. It was something I had not considered.

In a meeting to discuss the details prior to this event, I reassured the guys of my belief that this will be a positive experience. I expressed the importance of allowing the public to see who they really are. I shared with them something I’ve heard time and again, that once people meet them it becomes clear that they are not the “union thug murderers” they were portrayed as by the media and in the courtroom. I stressed that only they can convey the true scope of this tragedy.

Michael Piaskowski: Exonerated: Jan 8, 2001, Released: Apr 3, 2001

December 18, 2018

July 3, 2019: Mike and Joan Treppa with Kim and Mike Johnson the day Johnson was paroled

Michael Piaskowski, Michael Hirn and Michael Johnson, not only agreed to being there, they all agreed to participate in a highly visible way rather than merely sitting in the audience. We must remember that these are regular guys who went to hell and back after having been convicted of a brutal murder. One exonerated, the others paroled, but not before losing precious time behind bars. It was only fitting that they now be allowed to share their truths of what happened inside the paper mill on that fateful day. A valid concern of exposing themselves to retribution from an uninformed audience unwilling to hear the true facts is never far from their minds, despite facts that are now widely available which strongly support their absolute innocence.    

Samples of the kinds of scrap wire found at the James River Paper Mill

Samples of the slurry inside the pulp vat

Following an informative presentation that covered the new facts, new developments, and insightful readings from the guys, I made my way out of the auditorium to a large open area where my husband had set copies of my book on a side table for members to purchase. In passing I overheard one member say to another, “That was a powerful presentation.” Many others expressed genuine thank yous as I walked passed them.

Rope and weight found around Tom Monfils neck.  

This type of knot found on the rope and weight was labeled by the crime lab as “nautical in nature.” Their recommendation during the original investigation was to have the knots analyzed by the Coast Guard. This was never done

In hindsight, this event accomplished more than we could have imagined…

Some members came over to the table to make their purchases and to share their impressions of this case and its aftermath. I was dumbfounded by this extraordinary declaration from two of them: “What you are doing is really helping this community to heal.” I was rendered speechless. Once again, proof that this mission…journey for justice…however it gets defined, has never been a waste of time.

Many club members stayed well after the presentation to chat with all of us. The three guys received congratulatory handshakes and encouragement. We all heard appreciation of our efforts to inform. One member mentioned that ours was one of the best presentations they’ve had.

What we learned about these Club members: Some had worked at the mill. Some had family members who were directly affected by this tragedy. Some had witnessed the dire effects that this case has had on their community. One hundred fifteen men in attendance with a story of their own to share, in regard to a death in the early 1990s…at a paper mill…in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

7-27-2023 (LtoR) Clare Martinson, Mike Johnson, Joan Treppa, Mike Treppa, Linda Patzke, Mike Hirn, Mike Piaskowski at the Retired  Men’s Club event.

And Justice for Whom…Exactly?

                                        Sketch of Tom Monfils by Artist Jared Manninen

I was contacted recently by Kelli Arseneau; a reporter with the Green Bay Press Gazette/Post Crescent in Appleton, WI. She explained that with the 30th anniversary of Tom Monfils’ death approaching, they were putting together an article that would include a “summary of events that occurred, the trial, and its aftermath.” She asked if I’d be interested in speaking with her to share some of the things I’ve learned through my research.

I declined. Given the focus of the article, it made more sense for me to step aside. Besides, it was too unclear to me the value my opinion might bring to her piece. I explained that I did not have anything more to say other than what had already been printed in my book. I suggested that she review it and use its content. I then offered to send her a copy. I cannot know how much content was pulled from the book, but the book itself was mentioned in the article.

Aside from a few misstated details, the article was very well researched and written. It is the most comprehensive and yes, objective article about this case that I have seen to date.

It was refreshing to see, laid out in amazing detail, exactly how the police had failed the victim, Tom Monfils first. In turn, I feel that it illustrates how the courts then failed the six men.

                             Pictured (LtoR) Tom Monfils, Dale Basten, Michael Johnson,                                                  Michael Hirn, Reynold Moore, Keith Kutska, and Michael Piaskowski

Toward the end, this online version* includes a powerful statement by exoneree Michael Piaskowski.

After the article was posted on social media sites, I did as I always do. I monitored the comment sections. It broke my heart to see this exchange, which illustrates exactly how there has been absolutely no justice for either side:

Comment: “Put it to rest.”

Response by someone who was personally affected by this case: “—, we would all like to put it to rest but some of us care about the truth. I’m not being mean and I understand your view.”

There are too many cases with flaws similar to this one. We all must do better if we want to achieve a more “just” system for ALL!

*Note that all online versions have much more content than any of the printed versions.

Heated Words…Heavy Hearts…


Met Keith for the first time during a visit on 4-12-2016

A recent posting of an article regarding an upcoming parole hearing for Keith Kutska—the last of the six men convicted in the Tom Monfils case—appeared on the Green Bay Crime Reports Facebook page.

The article’s headline: Parole hearing set for man convicted in 1992 Tom Monfils murder

I like to monitor these comments to get a sense of the current atmosphere regarding this case, so I was pleased when a friend, Tricia, alerted me to the Facebook posting.

Front page article on October 29, 1995:

The following comments are taken verbatim. All are entrenched in the past. Note that some contain strong language:

“How in the world do you parole a murderer with a clean conscience? Life should mean life, it shouldn’t mean until I change my mind.”

“Best place for this evil monster is PRISON, or whatever happen to Tom, same for this evil monster.”

“Green Bay if you let this guy go your putting a murder on the streets. Let’s see how long it is before he kills again. Y’all are stupid asf for letting him have parole.”

“Only way he should be leaving prison is in a body bag. No parole for any reason.”


The comments become increasingly vicious:

“Let him rot!!! They killed that poor man over bs… fuck all them!!!!”

“So did Tom get a refund when he was killed I don’t think so that fucker should rot in prison.”

“This f*cker deserves to rot. And the whole lot of em. All guilty.”

As an author, I always expect this response:

“Books don’t matter. That is someone trying to make some money. All that MATTERS is the jury’s outcome in court. It is how the law works. Don’t like it, use the legal system to change the law. A “book” means nothing except to the writers.”

Brown County Courtroom during evidentiary hearing in 2015

In this final comment, a plea to look at real evidence is applicable to both sides of the issue and all any of us who support the men have ever asked for:

“Guilty. Let him rot. the others shouldn’t have gotten out either but this guy was the big bully. And anyone who wants to defend them needs to look at real evidence, not anecdotal, or… but you can’t be sure, or… but they were decent guys. The alternative is that Monfils committed the worst suicide ever and I cannot buy that scenario given the evidence. The bragging, the fear, the good ol boys club nonsense, no…just no.”

Tricia shared her thoughts with me over the obvious misinformation and hateful rhetoric still rampant in this case.

“It’s so frustrating. I want to explain to people but they’re all so set on what they believe.”

The initial reaction from Keith’s niece, Jenn, whose heart breaks every time she dares to read comments like these, is to protect and defend the family she knows and loves. She also respectfully points out that we must keep an open mind and understand that we all have a right to our own opinion. However, the difficulty of having a respectful discussion arises when opinion is just that, and not grounded in truth.

Thus begets the frustration in regard to the Monfils case. Given the tone of the above comments, I must admit that my first inclination as soon as I read them was to fire back. To defend. To set people straight with the facts and to push back!

I did not engage in the conversation. I did, however, engage in a second posting the following day. A new article was posted on the same site regarding the postponement of Keith’s hearing due to a COVID outbreak within the prison.

That article headline: Kutska’s parole hearing delayed in Monfils case

The engagement went well. New friendships were forged. New perspectives were shared.

4-21-2018 presentation at the Neville Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin during the UntitledTown Book Festival

Life teaches us that we must respect others’ opinions regardless of whether or not they align with ours. We must choose our words wisely and avoid speaking out of anger. Once words are spoken, they are with us…forever. They can never be withdrawn. Not really. Sure, we can back track, clarify, or apologize until we are blue in the face. But those initial words will never leave the hearts of those for which they were intended.

In the end, words, truth, all feelings have meaning. Divisive actions and intentions have consequences. Time and again we learn that heated, unfounded words only leave in their wake, lasting wounds and heavy hearts…

And my response to Tricia on how we can choose to view the vicious nature of comments? “They can talk all they want on those sites. We win in the end!!!”