Overflowing Containment…

Please check out this brief three minute news video* and meet me back here…

A dear friend recently sent this clip to me. It’s heartbreaking to watch at first as it depicts the dire challenges many exonerees face after being released from prison. It’s a story about an innocent man’s release from prison after serving twenty-five years for a crime he did not commit. Jonathan Fleming survived the rigors of prison life. He was rewarded with exoneration. But then this rare victory was overshadowed by worries of how to survive on the outside in a much different world. If you’ve ever heard the term “three hot’s and a cot” in reference to the basic needs met while in prison, unfortunately those necessities topped the list of essentials that Fleming lacked. Instilled in him was overwhelming anxiety about what his future would look like.

Then the story takes a turn and describes the selfless determination of another man, Jeffrey Deskovic who walked in similar shoes but manages just fine because of money he won in a lawsuit. Due to firsthand experience, he formed a foundation called, The Jeffrey Deskovic Foundation for Justice, to help those like himself and Fleming in desperate need of a new start. This foundation was borne out of a need to feel a sense of pride through accomplishment. And it would become a blessing to Fleming.

I also wanted to point out another aspect of this story that’s not so obvious. Something else caught my attention as I watched this clip a second time. I noticed a subtle but definite reaction in the body language of the law enforcement officer in the background who was watching this victory unfold for Fleming. There was an unmistakable acknowledgment of the pain and overflowing joy exhibited by Fleming a few feet in front of him. I was struck by the raw realism displayed by this officer as he did his best to contain his own emotions.

These were two people on opposite sides of the legal spectrum silently and unknowingly connecting. It’s a powerful image that is rarely seen.

In my life’s journey I’ve seen outward displays of kindness but seldom in this context. This is indeed encouraging even though I know we have a long way to go before a widespread understanding and acceptance between law enforcement and the wrongfully convicted occurs. Nonetheless, it appears we are there, at least in a small sort of way…

*Unfortunately, the video I described above is no longer available. However, the reporter who covered the story the day of Fleming’s release has posted this clip on her website. The officer I described appears only briefly about halfway through, but not long enough to get a sense of the emotion he’s feeling.  🙁

A Promise Delivered…

In October of 2013, my husband and I, along with numerous other supporters of the Wisconsin Monfils case, attended a Benefit for Innocence; an annual gala hosted by the Innocence Project of Minnesota.

Claire Micoliczyk, Ardis Kutska, Brenda Kutska, WI exoneree Audrey Edmunds

Teresa Tario, WI exoneree Michael Piaskowski, Shirley DeLorme

Cal Monfils with WI exoneree Michael Piaskowski

Brenda Kutska, Kim and Deb Johnson

Mike Treppa, Erik Stewart

Linda and Johnny Johnson

The Benefit was held at the (former) Graves Hotel in Downtown Minneapolis. While the others engaged in conversation with fellow guests, examined items on display for the silent auction, etc., I stood alone canvasing the reception room, touting a small white paper sack containing special gifts. As was typical, I was on a mission, and on the lookout for the guest of honor and keynote speaker for that evening; California exoneree, Brian Banks.

I’d made a solemn promise to deliver precious cargo in person to Mr. Banks that evening; a task I had spent months preparing for. I was excited but a little nervous about my success in doing so, now that the time had come. As worried as I was about being bothersome, I was also very determined to keep my promise in delivering these special items.

I watched silently for the arrival of Brian Banks. I turned around and there he was, within a few feet of where I stood! The moment was nigh, with no time to waste. I took a deep breath as I approached him. Unable to calm my nerves, I introduced myself and blurted out that I had come bearing gifts. He was gracious despite my awkwardness, which had a somewhat calming effect. Still, I could hardly contain my excitement in showing him these treasures! Brian appreciated my sincerity and was visibly moved by this humble gift.

Joan explaining the contents of the paper bag to Brian Banks 

Brian is the man he is today because of his tragic story. He wound up in prison because of a lie…

Brian Banks was accused, arrested, and later charged with two counts of forcible rape and one count of sodomy with a special circumstance of kidnapping. The year was 2002. He was sixteen years old with a dream of a lifetime waiting at his doorstep. Brian was, “…a blossoming football star and had verbally accepted a four-year scholarship to play at the University of Southern California.”  But instead of fulfilling that dream, Brian was falsely accused of rape. The only place Brian was going was to prison, forcing him to postpone, even abandon any chance of pursuing a career in professional football. He was 26 years old when the California Innocence Project successfully aided in his exoneration in 2011. Brian actively tried once again to resume his football dream but he was not successful.

People tell lies. It happens all of the time. But how does one reconcile being sent to prison because of one? 25% of all exonerations regarding a rape charge end up being resolved because the accuser knowingly makes a false statement and later recants. In this case the accuser admitted, during a video-taped interview, that she had lied. But not before Brian had endured eleven combined years of being in prison and on probation. Never a thought was given to the consequences of her actions. Then after Banks was released, her aspirations were to reconnect and let “bygones be bygones”! Although charges, perjury or otherwise, were never brought against her, a lawsuit eventually was.

At the Benefit, Brian said he had spent a lot of time feeling angry over what had happened to him. But he was unwilling to waste any more time on those emotions. He now focuses on his work with the California Innocence Project, helping other wrongfully convicted people regain their freedom. And he does it with the same passion as when he played football.

What was in that paper sack that was so important? The book, The Monfils Conspiracy, which documents the Wisconsin Monfils case I’ve been involved with. Second, and equally important, were hand-written letters, addressed to Mr. Brian Banks, from five Wisconsin prisoners*, wrongly convicted of murder in this case. Reynold Moore, Dale Basten, Michael Hirn, Keith Kutska, and Michael Johnson had all been given the chance to share their deepest thoughts, hopes, and dreams with Brian Banks; a man who fully understands the importance of focusing on what truly matters and how challenging it can be to never give up.

Brian now has his own book which was published in 2019:

A movie about his story hit theaters on August 9, 2019. Here’s the official trailer.

* All but one of the men mentioned in this posting have been paroled as of 2019. Keith Kutska still remains behind bars but his quest for freedom is ongoing. Sadly, Dale Basten, who was released in June of 2018, died nine months later.

“Hotrod Breakout”…A Benefit That’s Going Places…

I’d like to share a few thoughts about some of my dedicated friends; Rosemary and Pat Bonnett, Johnny and Linda Johnson, Chuck Brost, Jesse Hoffman and Eric Von Son for their enthusiastic efforts to assist me in helping those who’ve been wrongfully convicted. Their fervor to benefit those whose voices have been judged, criticized, condemned and ultimately silenced makes me proud to call them friends.

Last year, we all began to promote an organization known as The Innocence Project; a non-profit that represents the wrongfully convicted and helps alleviate the financial burdens they face. We combined talents to create a unique way of soliciting funds to further their mission. Our hope is for this event to become more popular over time and be a significant source of revenue to aid in freeing innocent victims.

The success of the Innocence Project is crucial because of the few and very humbling options these victims have which forces them to rely on the generosity of complete strangers. We must not forget that they have been unfairly criminalized as thugs, murderers and rapists who used to be more accurately seen as an integral part of civilized society-striving for the same amenities in life as all of us do. They were independent and responsible for their own lives. They lived and loved as we do before fate sent them down a much different path. To whatever end awaits them, achieving help from the often overstretched, under funded Projects takes a miracle.

Alas, in the wake of this dismal subject comes action and exciting details of an event we put together last year that we will repeat again this year. We’ve named it, Hotrod Breakout-a classic car show/benefit with proceeds going to the Innocence Project of Minnesota. We are currently getting ready to host our second annual to be held on Saturday, August 2, 2014 from 9 am to 2 pm. Last year we received many donated services and prizes, etc…but this year we are looking for sponsors to help cover costs that will give our event more exposure, make it much more enjoyable and attract even more attendees.

I will disclose more details soon but wanted to include in this piece, mention of the place hosting our event. Route 65 Classics in Ham Lake, Minnesota, “…is dedicated to the classic car and motorcycle enthusiasts looking for the car they “once had” or their dream car.” They answered our prayers last season by providing their location at no charge, and in addition, they made a large monetary donation to our cause. They’re providing the space again this year and have bridged connections to other businesses also willing to participate. We hope this event will be especially successful this year and that it will go down in history as the best car show ever…and one that will drive this wrongful conviction issue back into nonexistence!