What Is Mine Is Now Also His…

This month’s featured exoneree is one I met close to eighteen months ago. He’s my son, Jared’s age and was released from prison on my birthday in 2012. That day is now referred to as his day of rebirth so for both of us it holds plenty of meaning. I cannot help but contemplate how vastly different our reasons are for its significance but I am overjoyed to share this special day with such an admirable friend.


Jared Manninen with exoneree Damon Thibodeaux and girlfriend, Veronika  

Damon Thibodeaux is the 300th person nationwide and the eighteenth from death row to be exonerated by DNA evidence. He spent fifteen years on death row in Angola Prison in Louisiana for the rape and murder of a family member. He was under lock down for twenty-three hours a day in a cell that measured roughly 8×10 feet at one of the toughest maximum security prisons in the United States. Damon’s story is extremely tragic and the circumstances leading to his incarceration are similar to those found in many wrongful convictions.

After being subjected to nine hours of questioning, Damon admitted he had raped and murdered the victim, even though he had not. It was later determined that the confession was the result of police pressure, exhaustion, psychological vulnerability, and fear of the death penalty. Even so, the case against him had been built around that confession despite the discrepancies within his statement and the lack of physical evidence to prove the victim had even been raped.

Damon was also misidentified. A week after the crime, two women identified him in a photo line up as the man they saw pacing and acting nervously on the evening of the murder. They then pointed him out during the trial as the man they had seen. But when Damon’s case was later re-investigated, it was revealed that the women had seen Damon’s photo in the news before police showed them the photo line-up and the date of the sighting turned out to be the day after the body was found when Damon was already in custody.

Damon shows no anger about his false imprisonment. During a news conference Damon stated that, “Being angry would be a waste of time because…I can’t get the sixteen years back. I have to keep focused on where I want to go and hope I can figure out along the way what I want to do. I can’t think about what could have been, but will be.”

Having hosted Damon in our home along with other exonerees, we’ve found that being around them inspires us to be thankful for the freedoms we have. Despite the horrors that Damon endured, we know him as someone who is genuinely kind and compassionate. Right after he was freed he was quiet and reserved. Now he has learned to live, love, and laugh again. Sometimes when I see or think of him, I say a silent prayer of thanks; both for his good fortune and because what happened to him could have easily happened to Jared, given similar circumstances. I was excited when Jared and Damon had the opportunity to get to know each other late last year. What a priceless experience for any mother on her birthday…or any other day.

**Damon was one of a handful of guests Mike and I hosted the evening that his story was featured on the Saturday, March 29, 2014 segment of 48 Hours on CBS.


Let’s Be Truthful About a Fallacy…

Test your knowledge…

 1. How many exonerations have there been since 1989?

 2. How many exonerations were there in 2013? 

 3. How many DNA exonerations since 1989?

 4. Which state has had the most exonerations since 1989?

 5. How many exonerations came from that state?  

Start a Conversation…

  1. Have you ever been aware of the existence of wrongful convictions before now?   

As you can see, I purposely redirected the aim of my inquiry and simplified things to ask one question I believe is more relevant. After some thought I decided the rest are irrelevant if there is no understanding of the overall issue to begin with.

I ponder the new question which begs for answers every time I write a letter to a wrongfully convicted person. I’ve been told by some of them that although they did not feel they were very nice before their troubles began, they were never concerned about going to prison for a crime they didn’t commit. They trusted the system like everyone else and before they’d become one of its victims, would’ve replied with a resounding no to the question at hand.

Surprisingly, some of them have truthfully admitted if they had not been the one targeted, they more than likely would have been among those eager to believe that whoever was arrested, probably did commit the crime. But because of what has happened to them, they are no longer as quick to judge.

Since I started asking that question about wrongful convictions five years ago I’ve a pretty good grasp on what the majority of people will answer. Still, for your sake, I’d like you to think about asking a few of your friends. Get a conversation going about your knowledge of this country’s flawed system. Then decide if you can understand why wrongful convictions have happened repeatedly in our society for decades. I’ll be honest; I was clueless about it. I thought that everyone in prison must be guilty. I never thought about whether or not the authorities are prone to making mistakes. I trusted that truth prevails and that we are all safer as a result.

My knowledge has caused skepticism, cynicism, and bias within that leans heavily toward error on the part of the authorities. I cannot watch a crime news story without deep scrutiny. And it drives me crazy to see the faces of those accused plastered all over the news before charges have even been filed. What I’ve decided I must do is to look at the facts first and reserve judgment for later…period. How many of my peers wait until all of the information has been revealed before their verdicts are in?

“Collateral Damage”

We typically focus our attention on the immediate or more visible victims in any tragedy, such as the person who died or the main suspects of a crime. But we often forget about those in the background whose lives are torn apart as a result. In the context of wrongful convictions I’ve referred to these obscure victims as “collateral damage”; those who represent the other facet of any tragedy that often are forgotten. I wanted to share a testimonial (edited for length) that was written by one such person. Her name is…well…let me step aside so she can tell you herself…


Brenda and Clayton Kutska 

My name is Brenda Kutska. I am Keith Kutska’s daughter-in-law. My husband, Clayton, is the sole child of Keith and Ardie Kutska. This was and is our lives.

Our worries started when the body of Tom Monfils was found in the pulp vat at James River Paper Mill in 1992. We all went on with our lives as best we could while the police followed Keith and Ardie around everywhere as well as watched their house. Keith and Ardie were already under a lot of stress and financial strain, but getting by.

Keith helped us to buy our first house in 1993 and we got married in 1994, with the birth of our first two babies being in March of 1995. Our family’s worst fears were realized in April, 1995 when Keith and five other men were arrested for Tom Monfils murder.  In the back of our minds we knew this was a possibility but prayed it would not come to this. We thought the police would find the guilty party and this would just be a bad memory. I am happy that Keith was at least able to attend our wedding and see the births of his granddaughters.  With Keith’s arrest Ardie faced additional financial strain. Keith had gotten a job after being fired from the mill but now there was no second income to help pay bills. We, along with friends and neighbors helped Ardie with everyday chores and house repairs while dealing with all of our own plus two newborns and the emotional strain of everything going on. Ardie received nasty phone calls and letters and some people tried to befriend her to find out information on the case.

Clayton and I were twenty-two years old and this should have been the happiest time of our lives even though we were dealing with health concerns with one of our babies. The additional strain of the trial looming was going on at the same time my father was having bypass surgery. My Mom tried to help out with babysitting if we needed time to ourselves or just sleep. Clayton was an emotional wreck some days and very depressed but over time he has managed to figure out how to live with what has happened to his Dad. This experience has led him to be more cynical instead of the happy young man I married. In 1996 we sold our house to buy Keith and Ardie’s house and we now live there with Ardie. It was for financial reasons as well as peace of mind for Keith.

We are dealing with the aftermath but Clayton misses Keith’s mentoring. Ardie lost a husband and friend and the time growing old together. There is no longer a retirement plan because all of that money was used to pay the trial lawyer. Keith did not get to see his only grandson until he was three years old because Keith was sent to a Tennessee prison for some years before being brought back to Wisconsin.

Keith missed his calling in life. He should have been a teacher because he loves to talk about many subjects especially the constellations in the night sky and history. He tells our kids about the stars when we go to see him but he would love to be home setting up the telescope to actually show them.  We’ve taken the three kids to see their Grandpa since they were little, eventually having to explain why he is in prison. As they’ve grown they have grasped the understanding that he is there for a crime he did not commit and that he has to stay there until he is found innocent.

We have always tried to not let this experience rule our lives and our children’s lives but it has still shaped us in many ways, especially in the trust levels we have in people. To share an example, it was very hard for my husband to hear me tell the kids at their young ages that if they are ever in trouble or lost to talk to a police officer. The fact of the matter for us was the idea of being able to trust them and that they are there to serve and protect could not have been further from the truth. We are just average people trying to raise three children and live our lives to the fullest in the hope that one day this injustice will be righted.