An Unshaken Spirit…

When Audrey Edmunds walks into a room, people notice. She’s tall, beautiful, extremely outgoing, and enormously sincere. When I met her at a benefit for the Innocence Project of Minnesota in 2012, I was aware of her tragic past. I was curious about how anyone could survive what she had and still maintain a high spirited disposition. Judging from the kind of person she is now, with her bubbly nature, I knew that we were destined to become good friends. My husband even describes her best as “one of the most positive people” he has ever met. But life for Audrey was not always so uplifting…

In 1996 the characterization of Audrey Edmunds inside a Dane County Courtroom in Madison, WI was vastly different. Each day in court she sat helplessly as her civil rights were violated through an ongoing verbal assassination of her character. She was portrayed as a “monster” capable of shaking an infant hard enough to cause head trauma and death. The significance of the absence of obvious trauma on the child’s body was lost on the prosecutor and irrelevant during the entire court proceedings. Audrey herself was extremely fragile, after having giving birth to her third child only four months earlier. She struggled to keep her composure, sanity, and dignity while being wrongfully accused, charged, and then bullied in the courtroom for the death of this tiny baby. Audrey adored babies. She had nurtured this child and she desperately mourned her passing. Through it all, Audrey’s self-preservation and physical state was in tatters.

Most of all, the direction of the court proceedings caused Audrey dire concern for her three children. Who would raise them if she was convicted? Would she have the chance to get to know her youngest child? The truth is that Audrey was loved by those close to her and was known to celebrate children. Having done daycare in her home for some time she was well liked by the parents who left their precious babies in her care. There were never issues or complaints of questionable behavior by them to suggest that Audrey disliked or became frustrated with the children. The fact that one of the infants in Audrey’s care on the day in question was especially fussy and later died that same day, placed Audrey as the only suspect in this child’s death.

The science surrounding what the authorities would later charge Audrey with; a condition known as “Shaken Baby Syndrome” (SBS) was faulty but was believed to be sound at the time. It was the subsequent evidence that caused her demise. Audrey was charged with first degree reckless homicide. She was terrified of going to prison.

Her sentencing hearing was scheduled for two days after her youngest daughter’s first birthday in 1997. Her worst nightmare was realized. Audrey was sentenced to eighteen years in prison. She would not be there to see her daughters grow up. During her time in prison she decided that for the sake of her babies she’d have to maintain what dignity she had left and never allow herself to sink into total despair. She held on to the belief that she would one day be free. She did her best to stick with a familiar routine, to stay as healthy as she could, and to keep thoughts of her precious girls close to her heart.

Audrey served eleven years of that sentence before being exonerated in 2008 with the help of the Wisconsin Innocence Project. New findings in the science of SBS had come to light and provided the new evidence to confirm her claims of innocence. Her marriage had since dissolved but she would finally reconnect with her three daughters, now young adults. Together they could begin a new relationship. Audrey’s spirit guided her through the challenges she faced on the outside.

For the past few years Audrey and I have remained good friends. Her unshaken spirit, strength, and ability to wear a smile despite the pain she has endured are attributes that inspire me daily. They help me to reject the negative aspects in my life and to embrace as much positive energy as I can.

Audrey is an inspiration to anyone who meets her or has the opportunity to read her touching story publicized in a book entitled, It Happened to Audrey by Jill Wellington. It serves as a testament and inspiration that’s part of Audrey’s mission to create awareness about the fallacies surrounding SBS. Please consider ordering a copy.

Audrey’s story is also featured in a documentary film The Syndrome, by producers Meryl and Susan Goldsmith.


Joan Treppa and exoneree Audrey Edmunds

A hidden meaning behind a thoughtful message…

This morning I came across a very touching email from my exonerated friend, Michael ‘Pie’ Piaskowski. I’ve been fortunate to receive similar messages in the past, from other unsung victims of wrongful convictions. They never cease to affect me deeply and their words wind up staying with me throughout the rest of that day. A person’s life is only enriched by messages like these, by friends like these, whose lives were devastated and nearly destroyed.

Mike Piaskowski and Joan

Exoneree, Michael Piaskowski and Joan Treppa 

I will only say that Mike Pie’s message contained thoughts of feeling humbled and awed by what I do and of the sincere appreciation felt by those involved in the Wisconsin Monfils case. I’ve been told more times than I can count, the heartfelt feelings of these amazingly resilient people. They never let me forget. And theirs is the driving force keeping me focused.

But it’s equally important to understand the root of these feelings. For them it’s a way to show their trust which is important to them because of having been stripped of everything both emotionally and financially. To me, this gift is priceless and is only awarded to those who’ve earned it. From the very beginning, it was my intent to earn it. That would mean I succeeded in provided hope where it mattered most.

When I first met family members of the five incarcerated men, I was struck by how calm they were. Where I expected anger and cynicism, I saw longing. And while many of us expect change in everyday occurrences, they lacked an understanding that things could change. When I look back on those earlier days, the shift I see in their attitudes is evident. I find it incredible that in their faces and in their words a more hopeful future now resides.


Family members: Brenda Kutska, Kim Johnson and Deb Johnson*   

Throughout this ordeal, Kim Johnson, Michael Johnson’s wife, has remained steadfast. She had expressed to me her most heartfelt thoughts, saying, “…you go to work and you bring home the groceries for the ones who are still with you and you do the best you can.” Few family members of these men are able to visit them because of having to take time off of work or finding it difficult to come up with the funds to make the trip. These everyday realities are cruel and unrelenting. It’s sad to witness the many hardships they face. But what stays with me is how very little they ask of a society that has taken everything from them.

*Deb Johnson, Michael Johnson’s sister, tragically died in December of 2016. Johnson had fortunately been transferred to a minimum security prison before her death so he was able to attend the viewing…but not the funeral.

An Appeal to a Broken Community…

I’ve chosen a vocation that is rather unpopular and controversial, and one more thing to not embrace on the daunting list of what’s wrong with our society. For those not willing to acknowledge there are innocent people in prison, or give a second thought to the number of people it affects, please consider my viewpoint.

In 2013 I submitted this piece to the editorial section of the Green Bay Press-Gazette as part of my continued advocacy for the five men wrongly convicted in the Tom Monfils case and to announce our fourth annual Walk for Truth and Justice. It was not printed. However, to me it was a necessary appeal to a community that is broken and will never heal until the real truth becomes an accepted part of its history:

The Inspiration Continues

          Many who read this may wonder why I have not let this Monfils issue rest. Everyone has their opinion about whether the six men are guilty or not, and so do I. I’m just more vocal about it. The thing is, after years of unrelenting determination and persistence in search of the truth, I still have not seen or heard anything to prove that they murdered anyone. Not one person has ever given me a credible argument as to why they believe in the guilt of these men. So, I continue my pursuit of justice on their behalf. I have never been alone in that pursuit and the list of believers keeps growing. The WI Innocence Project now has help from the MN Innocence Project as well as a very large and respectable law firm here in Minneapolis. Significant time has been spent poring over and discussing the so called evidence and it just isn’t there!   

          The continued courage and endurance I witness among the family members fuels my drive to see justice served also. These people represent the collateral damage that no one talks about. They signify the rest of the tragedy that no one ever acknowledges and even though their lives have been ruined, few seem to care. Somehow they still find the strength to hold their heads up and take pride in the fact that none of these men has ever caved under pressure by admitting to something they did not do. I wonder how many of us could endure that kind of pressure.

          I have earned the trust of these family members and I will again walk proudly with them in the name of truth and justice on Monday, October 28th at 5:30 pm at the Brown County Courthouse, because to me, that is what this is all about; to verify the absolute truth about what actually happened, and to encourage justice for all involved, whether it be for the first victim in this tragedy or for all of the other “collateral damage” that has followed.  

Respectfully submitted, Joan Treppa, Minneapolis, MN.