I recently reconnected with a former classmate, Brian Berghefer. Brian and I were friends throughout grade school even though I was the fraidy-cat introvert and he was the good-humored extrovert. Brian was always respectful to me, unlike many of the other kids.
Soon after we connected on social media and he learned about my book Reclaiming Lives: Pursuing Justice For Six Innocent Men, Brian was kind enough to purchase a copy. I received an email from him shortly after he finished reading it. I felt Brian’s words needed to be shared because not only do they speak volumes about the steadfast nature of Brain’s character but they also convey the public outrage I hoped to rouse as a result of writing this book.
Thanks Brian, for these encouraging and deferential words. It’s feeling like old times, my friend…
Hi Joan,
I just finished your book. It’s the first book I have read in probably 17 years and my first impression is WOW!!
First of all, I cannot believe the raw deal these six men got. I know our system is flawed but not as totally corruptible as what was allowed to happen in GB.
What is it with mid-Wisconsin with these cases where people are railroaded by the system, i.e. The Monfils case and the Avery case? Does this happen elsewhere with such frequency?

Tom Monfils, Dale Basten, Michael Johnson, Michael Hirn, Reynold Moore, Keith Kutska, exoneree Michael Piaskowski
Secondly but most importantly is your taking on the task of seeing these men find justice and your resolve and tenacity in completing the task! Knowing somewhat of where you come from, if someone had told me someday you would be an author I would probably have dismissed it, knowing what a shy and quiet person you were. But now finding your voice through such a noble cause is very refreshing and I applaud your commitment to these men and their families and I wish you well in this endeavor. I only wish I had your ability to commit so totally to a cause.
You have created another believer in me as I sort of remember the case. But it happened when I was working on the Lakes so I never really paid attention and all but forgot about it. My wife who lived in GB at the time barely remembered it (as have many) till I started following you and your progress and reading about the sham investigation. The travesty brought on by it is repugnant and should be to any American who discovers it!
I believe your book is just the tip of the iceberg in waking up public interest and hopefully you can get a major network to join your fight and spread the word creating a broader groundswell of interest. I believe that through persistence, you and fellow Truth Seekers will prevail. I only pray that it comes soon for these men and their families!
A Very Proud Friend
Brian Berghefer
On an extremely sad note, Brian passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. I never got the chance to see him one last time in the UP of Michigan, where we grew up together. RIP my friend.

Brian Berghefer 1958 – 2018 (Photo courtesy of The Daily Mining Gazette)
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