Tag Archives: Green Bay Press Gazette

An Especially Glaring Implication…

On Wednesday July 22, 2015 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, former Lead Detective, Randy Winkler, will take the stand at an evidentiary hearing for Keith Kutska; one of six defendants in the 1992 paper mill death of Tom Monfils.

The first two days of this hearing were much earlier in the month on July 8th and 9th. The reason for the large gap in dates was to accommodate Mr. Winkler. He had a vacation planned during that time and was given permission to take it despite having been subpoenaed to testify.

During the first phase of the hearing, we heard testimony from witnesses that recalled unethical and illegal actions taken by Winkler during the investigation. In this video clip, he describes tactics far differently. On Wednesday, he will have the chance to clear the air once and for all.

Brown County courtroom during evidentiary hearing

Incidentally, after the convictions were handed down and Mr. Winkler had achieved an amazing victory by solving the most notorious case in Wisconsin history, he disappeared into obscurity and was never heard from again…that is…until legal action once again resurfaced nearly two decades later…

An Especially Glaring Implication…

Sometime during the morning of Friday, March 28, 2014, Brian Kellner, one of the prosecution’s star witnesses in the Tom Monfils 1995 murder case, died from a blood clot, (possibly) induced from treatments he was undergoing for cancer.

I found the following listing in the Green Bay Press-Gazette the next day on Saturday, March 29, 2014. Even though it was a last minute addition to the paper with little time to elaborate on the life of this person, it still saddened me to note the lack of substance it contained, despite Mr. Kellner’s vastly publicized and historically critical role in what continues to be one of the most publicized court cases in all of Wisconsin. I couldn’t help but feel extreme loneliness and isolation for this man.



Kellner, Brian A.

Brian A. Kellner, 57, Denmark, died Friday, March 28, 2014. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by Blaney Funeral Home.


On the exact same day that this announcement appeared, there was a related interview published in the online version of the Green Bay Press-Gazette given by Randy Winkler; the lead detective in the Monfils case. Winkler, who successfully achieved the convictions of six (innocent) men, proceeds to chastise Mr. Kellner by stating rather proudly how he “bluffed” Kellner into giving a (false) statement.

Note: After realizing the implications of his mistake in giving false testimony during the trial concerning an alleged bubbler confrontation (which supposedly took place at the mill the morning of the disappearance of Tom Monfils), Brian Kellner tried in vain to recant his testimony. Up until the day he died, Mr. Kellner stood by that recantation and the reasoning behind its initiation.

On the following day, Sunday, March 30, 2014, an article that disclosed a more in-depth account of Winkler’s interview was also printed in the hard copy version of the paper along with this link to that interview.

To me this begs for a serious discussion about the possible intent to disparage Kellner via the timing of these two articles. Was it coincidental? Indifference on the behalf of Winkler? Not out of the question as far as this advocate is concerned…