Tag Archives: wrongful convictions

The Relevance of Making Each Day Count…

Being involved in my current mission constantly reminds me of the need to make each day count. Time is precious and lives can be altered in an instant, making every good day a gift. In my life’s mission, I think of this as respecting those who’ve lost years/decades behind bars for crimes they didn’t commit. In our society the lives of these people hold no more value than those who are guilty. It’s shameful and inexcusable that innocents in prison have little hope for vindication.

With this said, I think of how meaningful it was for our five incarcerated guys in Wisconsin to learn that another fundraiser was being planned in their honor. Our second annual Hotrod and Motorcycle Breakout benefit for the Innocence Project of Minnesota (IPMN) was held on Saturday, August 2, 2014. These men look forward to it even though they cannot be there. They are touched just knowing that others support them.


Logan directing the classic cars into the parking lot 

This year, the number of classic cars tripled from thirty-four last year to approximately one hundred this year. We estimated about five hundred people came; more than double last year’s total. We raised $2000.00 despite reducing the entry fee for classic vehicle owners in half, from $10 to $5. It was exciting to see the colorful parade lining up almost immediately after we showed up which was an hour before we officially opened. We had again succeeded in creating a unique experience full of laughter, tears, and important awareness.

We didn’t know how much interest would be generated this year because we know the topic of wrongful convictions is a sensitive one that gets little attention in today’s hectic world. But at these events I often come across people who’ve experienced an incident similar to a wrongful conviction. I’m always amazed at how many people are willing to share their personal stories. They offer touching sentiments about what we are trying to accomplish. We see many of them putting money into our donation barrels.


Kathy Sauvageau working diligently to set up the refreshments booth 

I’m highlighting the sponsors who helped to make this event possible. Gene Kohler, owner of Route 65 Classics in Ham Lake, Minnesota and General Manager, Sue Stang, who has enthusiastically hosted this event both years. Their support afforded us access to a great venue. We also gained a new food vendor this year. Brad Slawson Sr. and Jr., owners of Route 65 Pub and Grub in East Bethel, MN supplied delicious food and refreshing spirits. They also initiated sponsorship from Budweiser who supplied us with two 4’ x 8’ banners for advertising purposes.Thanks also to Kathy Sauvageau who manages things at the bar/restaurant for her assistance in organizing their participation and helping to serve food that day.


Chuck Brost, owner of Tunes to Go in Spring Lake Park, Minnesota was his energetic witty self while providing musical entertainment and trivia throughout the day. Christi Williams, owner of Grinkie Photography in Minneapolis, MN documented the day by taking wonderful photos and promoting them on social media. She added a splash of the “Grinkie” style by inviting men and women dressed in apparel from a bygone era well suited to the sea of amazing classic vehicles. The fine folks at Dahlke Trailer Sales in Fridley, MN donated and set up a large platform for the second year in a row for our use as a stage.


Steve Kaplan with Amy Tomczyk 

Speakers for the day included: Amy Tomczyk, interim Executive Director for the IPMN. She shared statistics regarding wrongful convictions and the important work being done by the organization. Steve Kaplan, lead Attorney on our Wisconsin Monfils case shared aspects about this arduous case and his gratitude for the day’s event. Trudy Baltazar who advocated on behalf of Koua Fong Lee in his exoneration case from Minnesota gave a speech that left the crowd stunned as she covered aspects of that case. Our Wisconsin exoneree Michael ‘Pie’ Piaskowski again traveled over from Green Bay, and brought both Denis Gullickson and John Gaie; co-authors of the book, The Monfils Conspiracy. Both Mike Pie and Denis shared their unique perspectives on this case.


Trudy Baltazar addressing the crowd 

Also from the Green Bay area: A heartfelt thanks and tribute goes to Clayton and Brenda Kutska, their son Mathew and Brenda’s Mom Claire; esteemed guests and family members of one of our five innocent men. They had come to help us with last minute details and to witness the support. A dear lady and friend, Shirley DeLorme, who hosts the monthly FAF (Friends and Family) meetings in Green Bay, was a wonderfully cheerful addition to our event.


Our DJ Chuck Brost, Rosemary Bonnett and Logan handing out prizes 

Lastly, I’d like to also acknowledge appreciation of these extraordinary people; Rosemary and Pat Bonnett and Eric Von Son, who supplied trophies, flyers, programs, and prizes.

Final thoughts about those who spend time complaining about what is wrong with the world rather than taking action and doing something about it:

Take a day, look around, and focus energy on remedying the plight of others less fortunate. Don’t wait until you are faced with a personal crisis of your own. See how lucky you are. Then realize how your words and actions can effect those around you. Use this understanding to decide whether or not you can make your life better and maybe make a difference in someone else’s. This will certainly open your eyes to the importance of making each day count.

Conceptual Simplicity of Berry Picking…

As I picked raspberries in my backyard patch one day, it occurred to me how easy it is to overlook the ripe ones no matter how thorough you think you’ve been. As you eye the bush you’ve just emptied from another angle, you clearly see there are ones you’ve missed. A simple enough concept that clarifies the importance of getting multiple perspectives on all things, right?

Take as an example, for instance, when people ask me, “How can you be so sure those five Wisconsin men are innocent?” I was challenged on Amazon by a resident of Green Bay, Wisconsin who ranted about how he knows these “union thugs” murdered Tom Monfils. In his mind I was totally ignorant of the facts and my opinion appeared slanted. In another instance, much of what was written about me in a Green Bay news story was ignored by the reader which prompted a comment from them saying my advocacy is based solely on reading a book. Really?

When people fail to understand the whole picture and refuse to either look further into the truth or accept the obvious, there’s bound to be adversarial discussion and obstruction. That’s why it’s vital to do your homework, especially on a topic as provocative as wrongful convictions. I admit I experienced my own suspicions about the case in question, early on. I wondered how six men could have been convicted on such flimsy evidence. So I sought out answers and I kept an open mind.

Now, because of my absolute certainty about the true merits of this case, I welcome all inquiries. I’d love to get more because it would mean that people are engaging in the conversation even though they may not be interested in learning the truth. There will always be those in opposition. But as I hold little regard for those who refuse to increase their knowledge, it still means that I’m getting through to people on both sides of the argument because at the very least they are paying attention. I’m determined to continue on with this important debate because it’s about a topic that gets little consideration despite the many lives it destroys.

I believe it’s typical to get involved in something that directly affects us which in itself is a noble thing. But I’m ecstatic when I hear from those who have no direct ties and are passionate nevertheless. This was true in my case which is why I am determined to be an example of what it means to enter into something absent the personal emotions. I believe this allows a clear vision toward solutions. And with both sides working together to form different perspectives, therein lays the progress.

There’s nothing like having the emotional ties to fuel action but also having an unbiased viewpoint, which can carry a lot of weight. In some of the news reports surrounding this Wisconsin Monfils case, the authorities stipulated that of course the friends and families of these men will support their innocence. But they had no opinions regarding my involvement. In fact, I was not acknowledged by the media for a long time until I brought with me the really big guns in the form of legal assistance by a sizable law firm from out of state! There were those who argued the guilt of these men simply because of repeatedly being denied parole. But they too, were ominously quiet about the new developments about legal help.

In response to my knowledge of the innocence of these men due to my willingness to look through a wider lens, the search for the absolute truth was not hard. And in a very short while the factual details of what really happened at the former James River Paper Mill will be revealed in time. As I’ve done in the past and as the next challenges surface, I’ll continue to keep an eye out for those elusive berries… because really, it’s that simple.

Engaging a Speaker…Part 2

Once Clare is set on a specific goal, she’s committed to seeing it through. She’s quick on her feet and she likes the short and sweet aspect of engagement. I knew this episode would be over in a flash so as soon as Clare flew into high gear I followed her lead. We only had to wait a few moments before He came into view and headed our way. Secret service men were all around him so we’d have to be diplomatic and stay calm. Things actually unfolded easier than expected. I stood back and observed while Clare went into action, that is, after being given the go-ahead…

This was Clare’s deal. She had known Reynold Moore and his former wife for years before Rey was convicted. Rey was always kind and thoughtful towards Clare and now she was determined to do something for him in return. Rey is the only black man among a group of six so-called co-conspirators in the 1992 death of paper mill worker, Tom Monfils. Clare never doubted Rey’s innocence and that day, Clare was going to speak on his behalf in front of a prominent black man whom Rey had delegated for, in a 1988 bid for President of the United States. She was going to make sure that this political figure understood the full scope of Rey’s current plight.

In an instant Clare stepped directly in front of Rev. Jesse Jackson, causing him to literally halt in his tracks. She was armed with powerful words and a book that documented all aspects causing Rey’s wrongful conviction. She would make sure that Rev. Jackson understood what was at stake. Included in the book she was about to give him was information to contact us should he find it within his power to help out in some way.

All eyes were on my sister as she boldly looked directly into this man’s eyes. She leaned the book on his chest and spoke…

“Rev. Jackson, I have a book for you to read about Reynold Moore; a friend of mine who aided in your 1988 presidential campaign. He was wrongfully convicted of murder many years later and remains behind bars to this day. I am here to ask that you help him in his release. Please take this book and read it. Then you will understand what this is all about. I thank you, sir.”

As fast as she had stepped in front of Rev. Jackson, she now stepped away, allowing him to grasp what she had said. He paused and acknowledged her message by repeating it in its entirety. She nodded to confirm as he turned and handed the book to the secret service man behind him. He commenced his walk towards the main stage. As this procession of men once again commenced to the stage, the Secret Service agent holding the book promised to make sure that Rev. Jackson received it back.

Later that day, after Rev. Jackson’s powerful speech to a crowd of thousands, Clare and I were filled with a renewed hope that maybe the encounter with him would be a turning point in our mission. I remember stopping what I was doing to watch as the caravan pulled out of the grounds. I hoped that the chance for Rey’s vindication did not exit along with it.

Unfortunately, despite our efforts to follow up and contact Rev. Jackson,  we never heard back from him or his associates. All other efforts to get books into the hands of other politicians went unheeded that day as well. It was a a major disappointment for all of us as we tried to bring an awareness of this controversial topic into the political realm.

I still wonder if Rev. Jackson ever thought about us or read that book. My reasons for telling this story do not rest on what Jackson did or didn’t do, but rather to illustrate the lengths we went to accomplish our mission. Although the day was relatively unsuccessful, we had done our best. We knew we could not dwell on the failures. We had to move on and continue the search for those who could help.

It would take five years and many bumps in the road before we’d find legal representation for these men, but we did it. And now we feel certain that we will be successful in our ultimate goal; freedom.

I’m proud of all we’ve accomplished. And although not everyone we encountered along the way was able or willing to step up, the right people ultimately did. What this really is about is doing what is humanly possible to help those in need no matter how impossible a goal may seem.

Information about the Monfils case.